HCA's Healthy Snacks Program is providing nutritionally balanced protein-filled snacks each day while modeling locally available healthy food choices.
Many children at each of our three locations are arriving to class hungry. Often our students come from extremely poor families and experience daily food insecurity. Research has shown that children who experience hunger are more likely to have learning delays and stunted growth.
The Healthy Snacks Program at Honduras Child Alliance began in 2010 as an endeavor to address the health issues caused by poor nutrition. It now provides protein-rich, nutritionally balanced snacks to 150+ children each week. The participating children exhibit more energy and are able to engage more actively in their schoolwork and HCA's programs.
Over the years the program has broadened to include nutrition education, modeling healthy locally available food choices, and in 2020, 2021, and 2022, due to COVID-19, to provide food staples to families with few resources to buy food.
With the help of an on-site nutrition intern, HCA's nutritionist designs recipes that include nutritionally dense foods that are locally available.
HCA's nutrition advisor guides the in-country Healthy Snacks team and shares HCA's vision to train local community members in preparing the snacks to help teach about healthy eating. Sustainability is the priority as we expand the program to reach more students, provide larger portions, provide a source of income for community members, and develop resources that improve access to healthy nutrition options.
Our students enjoy the snacks and the food has a direct effect on children's attendance in our programs, and at school. Volunteers should expect that they will be on the schedule to help prep and provide the healthy snacks. Return to PROJECTS
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