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Mascotas Saludables, Healthy Pets

The Healthy Pets Program


Pets provide love and companionship and can teach children valuable life lessons like compassion, patience, respect, and reliability. They're part of the family! But, like all family members, our cats and dogs also need healthcare and good nutrition to thrive, and this can be difficult to access for families in El Porvenir. 
With the motto, “Las Mascotas Forman Parte de la Familia” (Pets are Part of the Family) the ‘Mascotas Saludables’ (Healthy Pets) program is improving the quality of life for cats and dogs in El Porvenir and for humans too! This translates to fewer unwanted animals who must forage on the streets, and to cleaner and healthier cats and dogs living with families.

'Programa Mascotas Saludables' (Healthy Pets) is providing:


• Vaccinations for 180 cats and dogs each year

• Flea & Tick Treatment for 260 cats and dogs per year
• Spaying and Neutering for 72 cats and dogs each year
• Special assistance for families who face emergencies and obstacles in caring for the medical and nutritional needs of their pets


With the support and guidance of Amy Stanley—a passionate animal advocate, dedicated director of Forescue, Inc., and accomplished real estate agent from the United States—Honduras Child Alliance operates the 'Mascotas Saludables' (Healthy Pets) program.

Inspiring a community's commitment to the welfare of animals.

 Professional Development and Community Outreach

In addition to providing a vital service to the community, this program offers professional development and work experience to our cohort of Honduran interns, the 'PEP-Professionals', who manage the organizational and operational aspects of the program.
Spaying and neutering are not common in Honduras, leading to an ongoing population of underfed and homeless animals. By offering and facilitating free sterilizations and veterinary services, including vaccinations and flea and tick treatments, our team is actively inspiring a community commitment to animal welfare and to reducing animal overpopulation.
HCA's educational programs for both children and adults are fostering a clearer understanding that animals have feelings and deserve compassionate care. With engaging educational activities, we promote the responsible care of cats and dogs. These efforts empower pet owners to make informed decisions and take positive actions for the welfare of animals in their home and within El Porvenir.

Get ready to change a life, including your own!