'PEP' Professional Development


Fulfilling a need for ongoing Honduran staff to work with the children in our programs, the stipended 'PEP Professionals' program provides personal and professional development and brings Honduran young adults into the classrooms as helpers, instructors, and role models.


Who are the PEP-Professionals?

The PEP-Professionals are a select group of Honduran young adults who work as interns at HCA’s ‘Porvenir Enrichment Program’ (PEP). Structured along the lines of a fellowship, the PEP-Professionals cohort focuses on building professional skills through a combination of hands-on work experience, participation in personal and professional development workshops and trainings, acting as a role model for our El Porvenir students, and gaining experience working as an international team along with HCA’s volunteers from around the world. In addition, the cohort participants receive a stipend which assists them in continuing their own education and making future plans.

'Ayudante' means 'helper'.'Facilitadore' means 'instructor'.


The PEP-Professionals project makes the HCA program more sustainable since the local team adds consistency and organizational memory as ongoing trained staff. The HCA interns start as 'ayudantes' (helpers) in the classroom but are then trained to be able to lead classes that allow them to be 'facilitadores' (instructors) and receive a larger stipend. We recognize that when young people gain interpersonal and professional skills that provide them with viable options for education and employment, they can build a secure life alongside their families and community. As with each HCA program, this project helps facilitate and access opportunities within Honduras so that these young people can feel confident that they can build a future in their own country. Return to PROJECTS

Recurring donations are the best way to give steady support, so even a small monthly donation goes a long way to support work experience and scholarships for Honduran young adults who are interns at Honduras Child Alliance.