
Volunteering with HCA requires a sense of responsibility and a sense of humor!

We welcome volunteers with open minds and open hearts for educational enrichment and healthy living programs. Take the leap, and let this adventure change your life while you help change the lives of others.

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    Your co-workers will come from around the world. Blended groups comprised of international volunteers and Honduran interns, work in a unified effort at 3 walking-distance classroom locations in El Porvenir.

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    Class topics include Spanish and English literacy, tech and computer skills, science, art, social-emotional learning, nutrition, and more! Our professionally designed curriculum, combined with the creative input of our in-country team provides a well-rounded and engaging experience for the children.

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    Gender-based discrimination and racism are never ok and so our classroom community actively and age-appropriately engages to explore these challenges and ensure that all participants, children and adults, feel welcome, supported, and respected.


Programs operate year-round and there is always a need for volunteers. Some folks come for 6-weeks and others stay for a year!


Compassionate, friendly, hardworking, and generous . . .

The in-Honduras volunteers are the cornerstone of our work. We’re looking for energetic, collaborative individuals with a passion for making a difference in the lives of Honduran children. We're looking for YOU! Some ability to speak Spanish is a plus, but flexibility, a sense of humor, and problem-solving skills are a must!

Here's what it's like to be a volunteer!

EL PORVENIR: Volunteering with Honduras Child Alliance provides the chance to live in a vibrant and friendly Caribbean town while adding support to the young people of the community. The HCA programs are based in the beach community of El Porvenir on the north coast of Honduras. Our community is welcoming and safe. We live and work next to the Caribbean Sea, with pineapple fields surrounding us on two sides and mountain waterfalls and cloud forests just minutes to the south.


The small city of La Ceiba is 20 minutes to the east. La Ceiba has a modern airport (LCE), a bus station, ferry dock, and more taxis than anyone can count! La Ceiba is a lively place with inexpensive restaurants, an open-air market, supermarkets, ATMs and banks, and good medical care.

TIMEFRAME: We can typically be flexible in accommodating your preferred starting date. The minimum volunteer period is generally 6 weeks but many volunteers stay for 3-6 months or a full year. There is always a need for longer-term volunteers (3 months or longer). If you have at least 6 months, you may want to apply for the nutrition planner, social media coordinator, education assistant, or computer admin as this provides a 50% reduction in housing costs. Interested in building leadership skills? The Outreach & Volunteer Manager and the Development Manager receive free housing and a stipend with a 12 month commitment.


TRAVEL AND VISAS: Travelers from the European Union, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Australia, and many other countries can enter Honduras on a tourist visa that is easily renewed every 90 days.

HOUSING: Volunteers live in our comfortable, clean, and secure volunteer houses. The cost is $42 – $49 USD per week, depending on the length of your stay. Both houses are very close to the beach. In fact, one is actually beach-front!
Volunteers typically share a room with 1-2 other volunteers. The volunteer houses have comfortable twin beds, bathrooms with showers, and complete kitchens with filtered water. Volunteers purchase and prepare their own food. Wifi is available. A manager lives on-site. More details will be provided when you are interviewed for a placement.


VOLUNTEERS MUST BE AT LEAST 19: We prefer volunteers of 20+ years but will consider younger volunteers with the ability to speak some Spanish and/or previous volunteering or international travel experience. - - Are you long past 20 and taking a career break or retired? Let's talk!


At the Porvenir Enrichment Program (PEP+), we team-teach free classes for children, teens, and adults

'PEP', originally known as the 'Porvenir English Program' started in 2010. Now, as the ‘Porvenir Enrichment Program+’, it has grown to include instruction in Spanish and English literacy, computer science, art, math, science, leadership skills, team-building, and more. A summer-camp style version of PEP+ operates when the children are on school break. There is a year-round 'PEP-Adultos' English class that meets 2 evenings per week, and a 'PEP-Scholars' teen program as well.


PEP+ for elementary age children (grades 1-6)

The PEP+ classes for elementary age students are the largest HCA program and all volunteers work at PEP+. Classes are offered mornings and afternoons Monday thru Thursday and mornings only on Fridays. This year-round program has 3 classroom locations within the community. All are easy walking distance to the volunteer houses.

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    Volunteers and ‘ayudantes’ (Honduran interns) run classes in teams and work with children in small groups. We have a comprehensive curriculum but there is plenty of room for creativity in how you choose to present the material. You are encouraged to teach with songs, movement, games, and other fun activities. 
    The activities are planned together in advance and so it is not necessary to be fluent in Spanish to work within this program. However, you will find that your Spanish quickly improves as you prepare for classes and as you work with the children. 
    PEP+ operates year-round including an extended Vacation Activities Program in November, December, and January when the children are on school break.


Vacation Activities Program - VAP (grades 1-6)

The Honduran school year starts in February and ends in early November. Each year volunteers who can make a commitment for November, December & January (or longer) are needed to run something along the lines of a 'summer camp' enrichment program for elementary age children at our 3 locations in El Porvenir.

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    Our combined education team of Honduran interns and international volunteers collaborate to plan thematic activity weeks that address math, geography, reading, English, computers, and a variety of other subjects based on the interests of the students and expertise of our volunteers. Care is given to maintain an emotionally safe and respectful environment in which children can be curious and creative. There’s always time for art, music, and sports, and also plenty of time to play!

    Ideally, volunteers should plan to stay for the full 12-weeks of VAP (or longer if desired) but we do accept some volunteers who can only stay for a partial period so do not hesitate to apply.


PEP – Adultos

This English-only PEP class is offered free of charge to adults (age 16+) in the community who would like to learn to be bilingual. Volunteers work with students in small groups and follow an ability-based curriculum (beginner through advanced) that focuses on conversational and practical English. We are working to help the adult students use the English they have learned in class to find jobs and other opportunities.

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    Guest speakers of a variety of professions are sometimes invited to visit the class to help our students understand how they can use English in potential employment, and also how to search for jobs, go to a job interview, etc. This class is offered 2 evenings each week throughout the year.


PEP- Scholars (for teens)

Our volunteers are helping to ensure that teenaged students stay engaged, stay on track at their grade level, and stay in school! For ages 12-16, this program helps the teenagers of El Porvenir finish 'colegio' (high school). Classes are offered to advance their English speaking and computer science ability. The activities are typically project-based to encourage students to develop teamwork skills, and use their English in a practical way.

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    In addition, via the PEP-Scholars program, some scholarships are available to students who wish to study subjects not offered in El Porvenir.

Volunteers are actively involved with community projects and partners!


Volunteers visit 'colonias' (neighborhoods) of El Porvenir to share details about programs and sign up new students. www.volunteerlatinamerica.com


Volunteers and interns staff our 'Mascotas Saludables' (Healthy Pets) vaccination events for community cats and dogs.


Volunteers help shop for and prepare the Healthy Snacks that are served to the children each day.


Volunteers work side by side with our Bomberos Porvenir (firefighters / EMTs) for special projects.


Volunteers take photos for use in HCA's social media posts.


Volunteers work in the garden at PEP-3


Volunteers help provide menstrual health and sexuality education workshops in various community locations. www.volunteerlatinamerica.com


Volunteers join light construction projects to improve classrooms, help community members, and public schools.


Application Process

  • Fill Out The Volunteer Application

    There is no application fee. Upon receiving your application, we will contact you to provide more info and to invite you to schedule an interview.

  • Informational Interview

    We want to learn more about you but this is a time for you to ask questions and to get to know us too!

  • We Check Your References

    After the interview, you can start investigating travel arrangements while your references are being reviewed. You will officially be accepted into the program when the references are complete. This usually takes less than a week.

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    Planning Your Trip

    We will stay in contact as you plan your trip! You will receive detailed travel instructions and orientation info prior to your arrival.

  • Arrive in El Porvenir

    After a quick stop at the supermarket, our driver will bring you directly to the volunteer house!