Meet our in-country management team!
Your support helps us to provide professional development!
Taber Merren - Administrative Manager
Taber Merren and Dania Mejia are both from El Porvenir and together they lead our blended team of Honduran 'ayudantes', 'facilitadores', and international volunteers!
Dania Mejia - Education Coordinator
We look forward to starting an exciting partnership with you!
CLICK HERE to donate, and someone from the team will be in touch with you to promote you as a Honduras Child Alliance hero! Need more information, want to arrange a video call, or have questions? Contact us HERE.
With your help, we can focus on the most urgent needs of our students:
● Enhanced access to computers and the internet. Your help makes it possible for students to interact with online school assignments and to build computer competency. ● Educational Enrichment including literacy immersion in Spanish and English, computer instruction, social skills, art, and more! ● Nutritious Food via our Healthy Snacks program and 'Food for Families'. Due to the pandemic, many more families are food-insecure, so providing a nutritious snack to students is more important than ever. In addition, providing food-staples to the families of our students provides a level of security when so much else is out of control. ● Library books! ● Professional Development and financial opportunities for Honduran young adults via working in HCA's classrooms as part of the Ayudantes y Facilitadores program and as in-country managers. ● Safe Socialization and personalized attention for children because HCA offers small-group instruction and follows all biosecurity protocols for Covid-19.